Tune In, Talk More, and Take Turns – a simple, yet powerful tool to help parents make the most of everyday interactions with their children. The 3Ts help parents optimize the power of language in everyday moments.

Tune In: Be in the moment.

Talk More: Use a wide variety of words.

Take Turns: Engage your child in conversation.

The 3Ts don’t cost anything or require extra time out of a busy day. They can be used anytime, anywhere to build a child’s brain.

Thanks to the generous support of PNC Grow Up Great, the TMW Center for Early Learning + Public Health (TMW Center) has created Any Time is 3Ts Time: a community-driven suite of online, print, and in-person resources designed to help parents better understand their role in their child’s foundational brain development, and teach them strategies to turn that knowledge into action.

Link to video examples of the 3Ts in action!