All School Readiness providers must apply every year.

All 2023-2024 SR Contracts will be completed in the Provider Portal. There is a video that will guide you through the creation of a provider profile. Here is a step-by-step instruction guide to help you complete your School Readiness Contract. 

If you need help setting up a profile, contact Janelle Almonte or Sarah Bedard (see phone numbers below).

Are you interested in becoming a School Readiness Provider?

Step 1 – Please review this guide:

Office of Early Learning – Health and Safety Handbook for Facilities

Step 2 – Contact your Early Childhood Specialists to learn more about creating an account in the OEL Provider Portal and to discuss contracting requirements.

Templates or Samples of additional documents needed for SR Contracts
Additional forms or information used by SR Providers

If you have any questions about completing these documents, please contact your Early Childhood Specialist at the Coalition Office.

Nayivis Valerino:
Michelle Aguiar:
Sarah Bedard:
Sherry Shupp:
Faydra Eliopoulos:

Additional Resources

Florida Statutes and Administrative Rules Related to Early Learning