Laws are adopted by the legislature, and these laws are interpreted into rule by the Office of Early Learning and other entities. Once the rules come to the Early Learning Coalitions they are adapted into policies, which govern the school readiness and VPK programs. These policies must be approved by the ELC of SWFL Board and are evaluated annually for needed updates. All updated policies are then submitted to the ELC Board for approval and can be shared publicly.
EII.C.6.4 School Readiness Provider Contracting Requirements
220.1 Parental Choice
220.2 CCRR Services
220.4 Complaint and Dispute Resolution
220.5 Improper Payments
220.6 Appeals and Hearings
220.7 Intentional Program Violations
220.8 SR/VPK Providers Subject to Action Against License/Approval Status
220.9 Health and Safety Compliance Policy
220.10 School Readiness and VPK Providers Compliance Policy
404.6 Parental Care Restrictions in School Readiness
404.1 School Readiness Eligibility and Enrollment
408.3 School Readiness Provider Requirements
420.2 Professional Development Scholarships
420.5 School Readiness Provider Requirements for Gold Seal Differential Payments