CPR and First Aid classes Cost $45.00 for both classes - cash or check only Call Mr. Forman at (239) 357-7970 to register for both classes Please use the back entrance to the building.
8/20/2020 Drowning Prevention 2020 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm VIRTUAL Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83265469231?pwd=d0U3eHRxNkNpNW1XT29Tc0ZQZm1EZz09 Meeting ID 832 6546 Password: 032052 Registration is necessary to receive a certificate or CEUs Providers will understand the importance of drowning education: Identify ways to protect children from drowning. List best practice recommendations related to swimming lessons.
CPR and First Aid classes Cost $45.00 for both classes - cash or check only Call Mr. Forman at (239) 357-7970 to register for both classes Please use the back entrance to the building.