CPR and First Aid classes Cost $45.00 for both classes - cash or check only Call Mr. Forman at (239) 357-7970 to register for both classes Please use the back entrance to the building.
9/17/2020 Poison Prevention 2020 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm VIRTUAL Join Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85393393646?pwd=QUhhQUFMeTRiZkh6dUJjcmZWeDg3UT09 Meeting ID: 853 9339 3646 Password: 160018 Registration is necessary to receive a certificate or CEUs The purpose of this training is to make participants aware of potentially toxic substances and to prevent their access by children. * Identify potentially toxic substances, […]
The Early Learning Coalition is offering a free 2-hour Training on Effective Interactions in the Classroom. This training reviews PreK Tools that are used to observe the effective interactions in the classroom to help prepare School Readiness providers for their School Readiness program assessment (CLASS). This class will be conducted by ZOOM. You will receive […]
The Early Learning Coalition is offering a free 2-hour Training on Effective Interactions in the Classroom. This training reviews Infant and Toddler Tools that are used to observe the effective interactions in the classroom to help prepare School Readiness providers for their School Readiness program assessment (CLASS). This class will be conducted by ZOOM. You […]
The class will provide guidance and support for creating a framework for the classroom’s learning environment. It will also provide support to meet the needs of children by surrounding them with a daily structure and routine so they feel safe to play and learn. Participants will be able to describe the reasons for establishing a […]
CPR and First Aid classes Cost $45.00 for both classes - cash or check only Call Mr. Forman at (239) 357-7970 to register for both classes Please use the back entrance to the building.