Calendar of Events
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CPR and First Aid
CPR and First Aid
CPR and First Aid classes, cash and checks only. Cost: $45 for both classes Call Mr. Forman at 239-357-7970 to register for classes. Please enter through the back of the building
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3 events,
Safe Medication Administration in Child Care
Safe Medication Administration in Child Care
Child Care workers will be able to administer and store medications safely.
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2 events,
Strategic Plan Kindergarten Readiness – Literacy
Strategic Plan Kindergarten Readiness – Literacy
Preparing Children for Collier County Public Schools Kindergarten success: focus on Literacy.
Canceled – Know Your Health and Safety Manual
Canceled – Know Your Health and Safety Manual
Child Care workers will be familiar with the manual that covers all areas of health, safety and nutrition in child care and how to follow the best practice standards.
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Strategic Plan Kindergarten Readiness – Literacy
Strategic Plan Kindergarten Readiness – Literacy
Preparing Children for Collier County Public Schools Kindergarten success: focus on Literacy.
Portfolio Building
Portfolio Building
To help support teachers in fostering portfolio develpoment. Supporting teachers in maintaining and updating portfolios with sample art work, and handwriting samples. To help teachers with methods of integrating portfolio development through already in place practices and methods.
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3 events,
Disease Prevention and Sanitation in Child Care
Disease Prevention and Sanitation in Child Care
Participants will learn the causes of disease, the difference between CDC reportable and non-reportable diseases, and when to exclude from the child care setting.
Typical Speech and Language Development for Preschool Aged Children
Typical Speech and Language Development for Preschool Aged Children
This training will outline and describe the typical development for speech and language for ages 3 - 5 years old.
Making Sense of Sets and Numbers (Math 1) Ref #7874
Making Sense of Sets and Numbers (Math 1) Ref #7874
Preschoolers are natural mathematicians! They stack blocks, sort materials at clean -up time and make many comparisons throughout the day. Math instruction for early learners is not about memorizing a set of rules and concepts. Young children must have various opportunities to make sense of their world, form logical connections, and discuss their thoughts and […]
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Asthma 101
Asthma 101
Child Care workers will have increased confidence in dealing with and prevention of Asthma episodes.
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Let’s Move! Child Care Session 1 of 4: Intro to Let’s Move! Child Care
Let’s Move! Child Care Session 1 of 4: Intro to Let’s Move! Child Care
Child Care workers will learn fun and creative ways to boost children's activity and will understand the importance of healthy foods and beverages. CEU's paid for by UF for attendees from SR facilities only which are not yet Let's Move! recognized and who attend a minimum of 3 sessions. Usual fee for CEU's apply to […]
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2 events,
Typical Speech and Language Development for Preschool Aged Children
Typical Speech and Language Development for Preschool Aged Children
This training will outline and describe the typical development for speech and language for ages 3-5 years old.
Know Your Health and Safety Manual
Know Your Health and Safety Manual
Child Care workers will be familiar with the manual that covers all areas of health, safety and nutrition in child care and how to follow the best practice standards.
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1 event,
CPR and First Aid
CPR and First Aid
CPR and First Aid classes, cash and checks only. Cost: $45 for both classes Call Mr. Forman at 239-357-7970 to register for both classes. Please enter through the back of the building.