Week of Events
Disaster Preparedness for Child Care
Disaster Preparedness for Child Care
Participants will be aware of potential disaster situations in early child care settings and verbalize appropriate responses to those situations.
Asthma 101
Asthma 101
Child Care workers will have increased confidence in dealing with and prevention of Asthma episodes.
Block Center: Building to Learn
Block Center: Building to Learn
To help support teachers in fostering the use of creative, and explorative play in the block center. To identify ways to use the block center to teach numbers, literacy, and problem solving skills.
So What’s in Your Centers?
So What’s in Your Centers?
Participants will learn what materials are appropriate for learning centers and how to use them. Discussion will explore creative and different materials to enhance learning through play in centers. Participants will be able to describe effective methods of encouraging hands on experiences for children that provides evidence of and the growth of numeracy, literacy, and […]