Week of Events
Managing the Integrity of Checkpoint Data
Managing the Integrity of Checkpoint Data
This training is designed for directors and administrators of facilities using the My Teaching Strategies online system. Participants will develop strategies to work with their staff to build documentation and inter-rater reliability assessment skills. Use of system reports will be reviewed to support administrators and teachers.
Manejando Niño’s con Problemas de Comportamiento
Manejando Niño’s con Problemas de Comportamiento
Los participantes analizarán las conductas inapropiadas de los niños y considerarán posibles soluciones. Estrategias para enseñar a los niños habilidades sociales y prevenir comportamientos inapropiados antes de que ocurran serán discutidas en grupos.
Sight Words in the VPK Classroom
Sight Words in the VPK Classroom
To help support teachers in fostering the use of creative, and explorative literacy skills with sight words. To help identify methods of teaching high frequency words, through the inclusion of Dolch sight words in the VPK program.
CPR and First Aid
CPR and First Aid
CPR and First Aid classes, cash and checks only. Cost: $45 for both classes Call Mr. Forman at 239-357-7970 to register for both classes. Please enter through the back of the building.