Week of Events
Effective Interactions for PreK Classrooms
Effective Interactions for PreK Classrooms
The Early Learning Coalition is offering a free 2-hour Training on Effective Interactions in the Classroom. This training reviews PreK Tools that are used to observe the effective interactions in the classroom to help prepare School Readiness providers for their School Readiness program assessment (CLASS). This class will be conducted by ZOOM. You will receive […]
Child Nutrition
Child Nutrition
10/15/2020 Child Nutrition 2020 VIRTUAL Join Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83873674101?pwd=cnBOU2lOVXc4U1N6ckhmaDB5UDE4UT09 Meeting ID: 838 7367 4101 Password: 983807 Registration is necessary to receive a certificate or CEUs. Child care workers will understand the importance of healthy foods and beverages for children. *Identify ways to incorporate healthy foods and beverages into different curriculum areas. *List best practice recommendations […]